Go to wherever you had HoI4 installed (it'll either be in SteamLibrary\SteamApps\Common or in ProgramFiles\Steam\steamapps\common, depending on your setup) and delete the "Hearts of Iron IV" folder that remains there.
Uninstall HoI4 (if you're using Steam, go into your Library, right-click on "Hearts of Iron IV" and the Uninstall option should be under "Manage").
Unsubscribe from all HoI4 mods (yes, all of them).
The pull-down menu should say "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs")
Ensure you aren’t on any beta branches of HoI4 - if you're using Steam, the way to check this is to go into your Library, right-click on "Hearts of Iron IV", select "Properties" and check under the Beta tab.
For the love of all that is holy, please use a legal copy of HoI4.
The step-by-step process for that is as follows: If you are having issues with Kaiserreich that you can't pin down, it may be worth doing a clean re-install of both Hearts of Iron IV and Kaiserreich. If you are experiencing problems with the HoI4 launcher, please check our troubleshooting page.