Hoi4 black ice guide
Hoi4 black ice guide

hoi4 black ice guide

  • Go to wherever you had HoI4 installed (it'll either be in SteamLibrary\SteamApps\Common or in ProgramFiles\Steam\steamapps\common, depending on your setup) and delete the "Hearts of Iron IV" folder that remains there.
  • Uninstall HoI4 (if you're using Steam, go into your Library, right-click on "Hearts of Iron IV" and the Uninstall option should be under "Manage").
  • Unsubscribe from all HoI4 mods (yes, all of them).
  • The pull-down menu should say "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs")

    hoi4 black ice guide

  • Ensure you aren’t on any beta branches of HoI4 - if you're using Steam, the way to check this is to go into your Library, right-click on "Hearts of Iron IV", select "Properties" and check under the Beta tab.
  • For the love of all that is holy, please use a legal copy of HoI4.
  • The step-by-step process for that is as follows: If you are having issues with Kaiserreich that you can't pin down, it may be worth doing a clean re-install of both Hearts of Iron IV and Kaiserreich. If you are experiencing problems with the HoI4 launcher, please check our troubleshooting page.

    Hoi4 black ice guide